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Halt Mosquito Biting Instantly!

Attacked By Mosquitoes!

Being from Florida, we know bugs.  During most of the year here it feels like there is no escape from these flesh eating pests.  Not only are they very bothersome, they also can carry disease. 

So what can you do to halt mosquito biting instantly?  Use Deet?  Well, from our experience this does work, but who wants deet all over them?  Same thing with most bug sprays.  Especially if you are the type of person that is often outside at night.   

Certain plants like citronella plants around you can be helpful.  However, let’s be honest, when the bugs are very heavy, plants barely make a dent in their swarm.

Halt Mosquito Biting Instantly

Thermacell Mosquito Repellers

Thermacell Radius Zone Mosquito Repellent
Free Shipping on Orders $49 or More!!

However, there IS a solution!  We spent such a long time looking for something that wasn’t a spray or harmful chemical, but also works.  It is helpful in almost every bug situation that we have been in over the past 3-4 years since we discovered it.  It is called Thermacell.  The Thermacell  work like this:

1. Simply turn the unit on. 

2. The fuel cartridge provides heat.  And Now they have a rechargeable battery operated unit!

3.The heat activated repellent mat provides about a 15 foot zone of protection. 

That’s it!  It is that easy!  In addition, they come in several different options and sizes.  There is a unit that attached to your belt.  Or a unit that is run by batteries that really gives you a huge shield of protection!

But here is the REALLY cool part.  It actually WORKS!  We have tried almost every bug deterrent around, and these Thermacell units really do make a huge impact.  Our favorite pick is definitely the Radius Zone 2.0.   This unit operates for 6.5+ hours on a single charge and can operate while charging. It fully charges in 5 hours and can repel mosquitoes for up to 40 hours on a single refill.  It is said to protect a 110 square foot area. In addition it was voted as Popular Science’s 2018 Grand Award Winner in Recreation for their BOWN (Best of What’s New) Award!

And on a side note, if you purchase from their website, it will include free shipping on anything over $49.  

In conclusion, as I have pointed out several times, we have tried just about everything to keep the mosquitoes away.  And not to say that deet, and some of the more drastic things do not work because they do. But if you are looking for something to halt mosquito biting instantly that isn’t a spray or a nasty chemical, the Thermacell might be right for you.

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